Rowling was working as a French teacher when she heard that her book about the boy wizard had been accepted for publication. 当罗琳得知这本关于小巫师的小说被出版商接受时,她正在一所学校教法语。
I came to live in Edinburgh with my very small daughter, I set myself a deadline; I would finish the Harry novel before starting work as a French teacher, and try to get it published. 之后,我带着年幼的女儿来到爱丁堡生活,并且给了自己一个最后期限:在开始教法语之前完成《哈利波特》,然后设法出版。
When I declared my marriage over and myself a French teacher, I figured all I had to do was stay a mere 30 minutes ahead of my students to come off as proficient enough to teach them. 在我公开我已经离异,自己是一名法语教师时,我想我只需做到比我的学生领先30分钟,能表现出自己足以胜任教他们就行了。
JACKSON, MISS.& I once spent two years as a high school French teacher. 密西西比州.杰克逊城&我曾在高中当过两年的法语教师。
No, actually, I started out as a French teacher. 不完全是,最开始是一名法语老师。
Why don't we ask our French teacher? 我们何不问问法文老师?
His father, Nicholas Chopin, was a French tutor to many aristocratic Polish families, later accepting a position as a French teacher at the Warsaw Lyceum. 尼古拉斯原本是波兰贵族家庭的一名法语教师,后来到华沙的一所中学教授法语。
My son has begun to come along very well in French since the new teacher was appointed. 自从新老师派来以后,我儿子的法语进步很快。
Last Thursday, my son's dreaded French test was cancelled due to a no-show by the teacher, but because boys need to learn the pass compos, it will take place this week instead. 上周四,由于一个老师缺席,我儿子害怕的法语测验被取消了,但由于孩子们必须学会过去式,测验推迟到了本周进行。
The French teacher dictates to the class every other week. 法语教师每隔一周给这班学生做一次听写。
He went out to Australia as a French teacher. 他远涉重洋到澳大利亚去当法语教师。
Durldaeim, a French famous educator and sociologist, propounded the theory of teacher authority, opening up a new perspective for education studies. 涂尔干是法国著名的社会学家和教育家,他从社会学的角度提出了教师权威学说,开辟了教育研究的新视角。
The French paper was set by our form teacher. 法语试卷是我们的班主任出的。
He was hopeless at French, but his teacher persevered with him. 他怎么也学不会法语,可是老师仍锲而不舍地帮助他。
Today, I forgot to do my French homework, but since it was an online worksheet, I told my teacher my internet wasn't working. I told her with ane-mail. 今天,我忘做我法文作业了,但是反正这是网络作业,我就告我老师我的网络不work了,我发电邮告她的。
My first job was a French teacher in a high school where I worked for two years. 我的第一份工作是在一所高中任法语老师,在那儿我工作了两年。
I am a qualified French teacher. 我是一个合格的法语教师。
When I used to take French language classes here, the teachers always assured the class that the best way to integrate in France was to join the é cole horizontale, ie to shack up with a French person, preferably a language teacher. 以前在这里上法语课时,老师总是对班上的同学保证,融入法国的最好方法是参加一所横向学校(écolehorizontale),也就是找个法国人同居,最好是和语言教师。
When I fell behind in French, the teacher asked one of the more proficient students to help me. 我法语如果跟不上了,老师就会让一位学得很好的学生来帮我。
A French teacher of mine was vegetarian-a diet she stuck to with religious fervour-but had one curious exception: foie gras. 我的一位法语老师过去是个素食者(她以宗教般的狂热坚持素食),但有一样奇怪的例外:鹅肝。
I used to know some French, but now it has found its way back to my teacher. 我过去学过些法语的,不过现在全还给老师了。